How does dlv reduce its CO2 emissions?
How does dlv reduce its CO2 emissions?
Solar energy supplies a third of our largest publishing location
The photovoltaic system at our Munich publishing location generates a total yield of approx. 62,000 kWh per year, which covers a full third of the electricity needs of the largest dlv location.
All vehicles in the publishing house fleet are electric
dlv started converting its entire fleet to e-mobility in spring 2023. Since then, new company cars and pool vehicles have only been running on electric power. E-charging stations are available for this purpose at the largest dlv locations in Munich and Hanover.
PEFC-certified paper and a recycling loop
- dlv has been PEFC-certified since as early as 2009. This certification is reviewed and confirmed annually by external auditors. dlv thus proves that the wood used for the production of the purchased paper demonstrably comes from ecologically, economically, and socially sustainable forestry.
- In some cases, we also use paper that is made from 100% recycled paper and in its entirety is therefore part of the recycling loop. Cases in point comprise the cover paper of our weekly newspapers.
What does dlv do to offset its unavoidable CO2 emissions?
Our path towards climate effectiveness at dlv
We have long considered how we would like to compensate for the CO2 equivalents that we cannot avoid. It is obvious that since with our core business we are providing specialist content for agriculture (cf. our slogan “Together for the country”), greenwashing is the last thing on our mind. In the long term, we would damage our own target group, which lives and works in and with nature every day. Conversely, we thought that in view of the droughts that we are increasingly experiencing in German forests and others, it makes little sense to use our support elsewhere, since the need is right on our doorstep, and even among our target group. After much deliberation and mutual agreement, we are pleased to have found Klim as a partner for our CO2 emissions and to now take the opportunity to demonstrably help shape regenerative agriculture in Germany.
With regenerative agriculture to better soil health and a positive impact in our region
We invest in CO2 certificates from Klim. Klim supports farmers in Germany in their transition to regenerative agriculture. The methods used by farmers in regenerative agriculture enable an annually increasing amount of CO2 to be stored in the soil. In addition, they promote biodiversity in Germany and the future viability of agricultural businesses. Farmers receive an annual financial compensation for each ton of CO2 reduced or stored compared to the baseline scenario, thus providing planning security.
For those who want to know even more details:
Klim's mission is to spread regenerative agriculture (also known as carbon farming), thus enabling as many farmers as possible to convert to regenerative practices. To achieve this goal, Klim has developed a digital platform for farmers that enables and guides them through the regenerative transition and makes visible and verifies the ecosystem services provided. Farmers can use the platform to document the application of regenerative practices; based on scientific studies, Klim determines the amount of carbon dioxide that can be assumed to be removed from the atmosphere as a result of the demonstrable application of regenerative practices by farmers (“Carbon Project”). Klim then issues certificates (“carbon credits”) for the quantities of carbon dioxide (“CO2 savings”) sequestered in the Carbon Project. The calculation is based on the DIN ISO 14064.2 standard and is certified accordingly by TÜV Rheinland.