Ein Mann steht zwischen einigen Bäumen in einem Laubwald. Die Blätter der Bäume sind noch größtenteils grün, färben sich aber langsam in Herbstfarben.


Martin Steinfath
Martin Steinfath
Editor-in-chief AFZ-DerWald
„Sustainable forestry strengthens the forest. AFZ-DerWald explains how this works. Our motto is: Research. Knowledge. Understanding.“
Jörg Fischer
Jörg Fischer
Editor AFZ-DerWald
„Uns geht es um die Menschen, die den Wald bewirtschaften, pflegen und schützen. Wald ist zu wichtig, um ihn einfach wachsen zu lassen.“
Marc Kubatta-Große
Marc Kubatta-Große
Redakteur AFZ-DerWald
„Forstliche Forschung ist der Motor für den Wald von morgen. AFZ-DerWald bringt die Kraft dieses Motors auf die Straße der Praxis.“


AFZ-DerWald is a trade journal for forestry and forestry sciences.

In line with the motto: “Research. Knowledge. Understanding.”, it publishes specialist articles, reports, news and product innovations from the forestry industry. From forest ecology to forest and tree care and forestry work, all forestry topics are covered. New knowledge from forest research is presented with a practical focus, and laws and regulations are explained in an easy-to-understand way. Those working in forestry receive a comprehensive picture of regional and national issues. 

AFZ-DerWald is the only interdisciplinary, independent and non-partisan forestry magazine for managers in Germany. It reflects political, economic, and social developments as well as the general conditions of the entire forestry industry. In addition to the 24 printed issues per year, the publication is also available in digital form for subscribers.

AFZ-DerWald brand elements

AFZ-DerWald in numbers

Area of publication:Germany
Circulation:5.547 (Source: IVW 02/2024)
Sold circulation:4.831 (Source: IVW 02/2024)
Frequency of publication:24 times per year
Monthly visits:115.567 (Google Analytics 4)
Target groups:Decision-makers in forestry administrations, large private forests and research and teaching institutions
Thorsten Krull
Thorsten Krull
Verkaufsleiter Forst

Standort München
Tel.: +49 89 12705-271
E-Mail: thorsten.krull@dlv.de 

Kontakt zu Thorsten Krull
Susann Knobloch
Susann Knobloch

Standort Hannover
Tel.: +49 511 67806-169
E-Mail: susann.misgajski@dlv.de 

Kontakt zu Susann Knobloch
Panagiota Herbrand
Panagiota Herbrand

Standort München
Tel.: +49 89 12705-264 
E-Mail: panagiota.herbrand@dlv.de 

Kontakt zu Panagiota Herbrand