About Forst&Technik
Forst&Technik – Success in the forest
For over 30 years, Forst&Technik has been a reliable partner for anyone who works in the forest. Founded as the voice of forestry service providers, it now covers all topics related to practical forestry, including timber harvesting and transport, establishing cultivation and tending the stock of trees. Forestry innovations play just as important a role as digitisation and the timber market. So you can work successfully in the forest!
Forst&Technik in Zahlen

Erscheinungsgebiet: | Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz, Benelux |
Verbreitete Auflage: | 8.270 (Quelle: IVW 02/2024) |
Verkaufte Auflage: | 7.354 (Quelle: IVW 02/2024) |
Erscheinung: | monatlich |
Webseite: | |
Monatliche Visits: | 115.567 (Google Analytics 4) |
Zielgruppe: | Forstunternehmer, Holztransporteure, Privatwaldbesitzer, Forsttechniker usw. |