Von einer gelben Blüte sammelt eine Biene Pollen. Der Hintergrund ist grün verschwommen mit weiteren gelben Blüten.


Boris Bücheler
Boris Bücheler
Editor-in-chief bienen&natur
„Like most beekeepers, bees are more than just a hobby for me - they are a central part of my life. That's why I enjoy my work here so much.“
Felicitas Schlebusch
Felicitas Schlebusch
Editor bienen&natur
„Through mutual appreciation and close dialogue, we are able to publish an attractive magazine for readers every month.“
Marek Worm
Marek Worm
Trainee bienen&natur
„Thanks to my traineeship at bienen&natur, I am learning directly from experienced editors and beekeepers, turning my hobby into a career.“

About bienen&natur

The world of bees is complex – we help you to understand it better.

Anyone who keeps bees knows that each colony behaves differently, depending on the hive and regional climate. That's why it's worth knowing the background in order to be able to keep bees as well as possible. Our specialist advisers, scientists, and long-standing beekeepers report on their experiences. We provide tips on good beekeeping practice, operating methods and technology, bee health, bee pasture, honey and much more. Use this swarm intelligence with bienen&natur – for the benefit of your bees and for your beekeeping success.

  • Monthly tips on what to do right now
  • beekeeping practice
  • news from research
  • portraits of plants and wild bees
  • news from the beekeeping industry
  •  tips for bee health
  • reports from abroad
  • recipes to try yourself


bienen&natur Markenwelt

bienen&natur in Zahlen

Erscheinungsgebiet:Deutschland, Österreich, Schweiz
Verbreitete Auflage:32.789 (Quelle: IVW 02/2024)
Verkaufte Auflage:31.569 (Quelle: IVW 02/2024)
Monatliche Visits:70.060 (Ø 1. HJ 2024)
Zielgruppe:Freizeit- und Berufsimker, Jungimker, Wissenschaftler, Fachberater
Ute Heuschkel
Ute Heuschkel

Standort München
Tel.: +49 89 12705-249
E-Mail: ute.heuschkel@dlv.de 

Kontakt zu Ute Heuschkel
Astrid Fiss
Astrid Fiss

Standort München
Tel.: +49 89 12705-221
E-Mail: astrid.fiss@dlv.de  

Kontakt zu Astrid Fiss

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