LAND & FORST – The voice of agriculture. Since generations ago.
LAND & FORST is the weekly magazine for agriculture and country life in the north. For 175 years, LAND & FORST has been a guide and support in the field and in the barn. A responsibility that we take seriously. Since generations ago. For generations. Our handshake is binding and you can rely on our word. With competent specialist articles, up-to-date information, and strong opinions, LAND & FORST is regional like no other!
LAND & FORST in Zahlen

Erscheinungsgebiet: | Niedersachsen |
Verbreitete Auflage: | 41.492 (Quelle: IVW 02/2024) |
Verkaufte Auflage: | 41.148 (Quelle: IVW 02/2024) |
Erscheinung: | wöchentlich |
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Monatliche Visits: | 333.913 (Quelle: IVW, Juni 2024) |
Zielgruppe: | Die LAND & FORST ist die wöchentliche Lektüre der Voll- und Nebenerwerbslandwirte in Niedersachsen. |