Eine Frau steht auf einem beernteten Kornfeld, hält ein Tablet in ihrer Hand und greift mit der anderen an die Schirmmütze uauf ihrem Kopf. Im Hintergrund fährt ein Mähdrescher in den Sonnenuntergang.
Our brands

Our brands

Claudia Bockholt
Claudia Bockholt
Editor-in-chief, Bayerisches Landwirtschaftliches Wochenblatt
„The weekly magazine has a permanent place on Bavarian farms. We cultivate our long tradition – with expertise and closeness to people.“
Michael Mahnke
Michael Mahnke
Proofreader LAND & FORST
„With LAND & FORST, we are the voice of agriculture – and have been for 175 years. We connect generations.“
Martin Steinfath
Martin Steinfath
Editor-in-chief AFZ-DerWald
„Sustainable forestry strengthens the forest. AFZ-DerWald explains how this works. Our motto is: Research. Knowledge. Understanding.“
Eva Grun
Eva Grun
Cross-media editor of unsere Jagd
„For me, unsere Jagd is the magazine for hunting practitioners. Because for us, hunting is a way of life, our home is the hunting ground.“
Martin Weber
Martin Weber
Editor-in-chief PIRSCH
„The media world of PIRSCH describes the lifestyle of hunting. With pirsch.de, our goal is to provide an answer to every hunting question.“
Marek Worm
Marek Worm
Trainee bienen&natur
„Thanks to my traineeship at bienen&natur, I am learning directly from experienced editors and beekeepers, turning my hobby into a career.“
Martin Rasper
Martin Rasper
Editorial Director Special Issues
„I enjoy working for kraut&rüben ... ... because it's a brand with soul, with history, with a stance.“
Nathalie Zapf
Nathalie Zapf
„From family businesses to large companies, there are many paths to success. I want to discover these for our readers.“
Ein Mann läuft über ein in Reihen bepflanztes Feld in Richtung Horizont.

Our services

More than a publisher
Klaus Strotmann
Klaus Strotmann
Editor agrarheute + HETAIROS
„Our editing expertise brings real benefits to farmers: with HETAIROS, we tell you which variety is best suited to you and your farm.“
Marc Bozigursky
Marc Bozigursky
Market research consultant at agri experts
„We at agri experts can generate target group insights for you that will make a significant contribution to your business success.“
Matthias Göbel
Matthias Göbel
Senior Product Manager, technikboerse.com
„Das #wirimdlv wird gelebt im Kleinen wie im Großen. Ich schätze die Mischung aus Herausforderung und Freiheit bei meiner täglichen Arbeit.“
Tanja Blechinger
Tanja Blechinger
„Personalsuche ist ein wichtiges Thema. Wir bei agrajo geben immer unser Bestes, unsere Kunden dabei umfassend & bestmöglich zu unterstützen!“
Eine Menschenmenge steht vor dem Zoo Palast in Berlin. Es ist dunkel. Im Hintergrund leuchten die U-Bahn-Station Zoologischer Garten und das Mahnmal "Goldener Riss".

Our events

We look forward to you
Markus Pahlke
Markus Pahlke
Head of the Animal Department agrarheute
„With the CERES AWARD, we give wings to new ideas in agriculture and create a cross-industry exchange.“
Jörg Fischer
Jörg Fischer
Editor AFZ-DerWald
„Especially in these difficult times, we showcase the innovative strength of the forestry industry by awarding the DEUTSCHER WALDPREIS.”“
Alexander Brockmann
Alexander Brockmann
Editor-in-chief traction
„The FARM MACHINE is one of the most important awards at Agritechnica. Even being shortlisted is an honour in itself.“

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Click here for our newsletters from our specialist areas of agriculture and forestry, hunting, technology as well as apiculture and gardening!

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