Ein junger Landwirt zeigt seiner Kollegin auf einem bewirtschafteten Acker etwas geerntetes Gemüse.

HI Plus!

About Hi Plus!

HI Plus! is the breeding magazine especially for the Netherlands and Flanders, the Flemish-speaking part of Belgium. Accordingly, this magazine focuses specifically on developments in Holstein breeding in these two countries. 

Just like Holstein International, HI Plus! offers a wide range of unbiased, unadulterated content. Each edition includes several farm reports, bull analyses (both daughter-tested and genomically typecast) and cow family portraits. In addition, readers of HI Plus! can enjoy regional news, interviews, management articles, and background reports. The country series and young breeder page are unique to HI Plus! In each edition, the Holstein breeding in a selected country – except the Netherlands or Belgium – is presented in a background report, and the young breeder page introduces a young, up-and-coming talent in Dutch or Flemish Holstein breeding.

Hi Plus! in Zahlen

Verlag:Holstein International
Erscheinung:5x pro Jahr
Erscheinungsgebiet:Niederlande, Belgien
Meino Annema
Meino Annema
Advertising Sales

Tel.: +31 582 574 345
E-Mail: sales@holsteininternational.com 

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