Ein junger Landwirt zeigt seiner Kollegin auf einem bewirtschafteten Acker etwas geerntetes Gemüse.
KuhFacto weiss


About KuhFacto

KuhFacto is the German-language Holstein magazine produced by the Holstein International team, aimed specifically at dairy farmers, breeders and breeding enthusiasts in Germany, Luxembourg, Austria and Switzerland. In line with Holstein International, KuhFacto offers a wide range of unbiased, unadulterated content. The topics covered in KuhFacto are similar to those in Holstein International, but the content in KuhFacto is entirely focused on Holstein breeding in these four countries. 

KuhFacto readers can enjoy farm reportages, bull analyses (both daughter-tested and genomically typecast), cow family portraits, interviews, regional news, management articles, and background reports from the German-speaking region.

Verlag:Holstein International
Erscheinung:5x pro Jahr
Erscheinungsgebiet:Deutschland, Luxemburg, Österreich, Schweiz
Meino Annema
Meino Annema
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Tel.: +31 582 574 345
E-Mail: sales@holsteininternational.com 

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