Auf einer grünen Weide grasen schwarzbunte und rotbunte Rinder. Im Hintergrund ist ein Stall, Wald und blauer Himmel zu sehen.

agrarheute RIND

Simon Michel-Berger
Simon Michel-Berger
Editor-in-Chief agrarheute
„We believe in a bright future for our agriculture and help our readers to be successful on the way there. We also build bridges to all people who are interested in the agricultural sector.“
Anne Klös
Anne Klös
Junior Crossmedia Editor agrarheute
„For me, agrarheute stands for news and real stories from the agricultural world that convey expert knowledge and also provide entertainment.“

About agrarheute RIND

The monthly independent trade journal for professional cattle farmers.

agrarheute RIND provides information and tips for professional cattle farmers every month. It covers the entire spectrum of cattle farming, both in fattening and in dairy farming. The magazine reports independently on news from breeding, husbandry, animal health, feeding, and cowshed and pasture technology. In addition to reportages and specialist articles, readers receive regular product overviews.

agrarheute RIND brand elements

agrarheute RIND in numbers

Area of publication:Germany, Austria, Switzerland
Frequency of publication:monthly
Monthly visits:9 Mio. (Source: IVW, Juni 2024)
Target groups:Cattle farms in German-speaking countries
Michael Dirl
Michael Dirl
Mediaberater Print

Standort München
Tel.: +49 89 12705-306

Kontakt zu Michael Dirl
Georg Schrade
Georg Schrade
Mediaberater Print

Standort München
Tel.: +49 89 12705-346


Kontakt zu Georg Schrade
Sandra Holleber
Sandra Holleber
Key Account Manager

Standort München
Tel.: +49 89 12705-378


Kontakt zu Sandra Holleber
Nicole Meyer
Nicole Meyer
Mediaberaterin Digital

Standort München
Tel.: +49 89 12705-338


Kontakt zu Nicole Meyer
Evelyn Zimdars
Evelyn Zimdars
Mediaberaterin Digital

Standort München 
Tel.: +49 89 12705-245


Kontakt zu Evelyn Zimdars

agrarheute RIND on social media