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agri experts

About agri experts

agri experts is the full-service market research provider for the German green industry.

Based on the deep connection with the industry and the agricultural DNA of the dlv, agri experts – as an independent market research specialist – helps various companies and institutions in the agricultural industry to get ahead.

Target groups and panels

As part of a leading specialist publishing house, agri experts reaches over 80% of German farmers and can thus generate relevant target group insights that can make a significant contribution to business success and relevant knowledge gain.

Using an online access panel and databases, agri experts reaches farmers from relevant target groups, such as arable / market fruit farming; aquaculture; fodder production; renewable energies; as well as agricultural machinery dealers, hunters and many more.

Find out more about our target groups and panels here.

Methods and services

As a full-service provider, agri experts plays the entire repertoire of quantitative and qualitative market research: From the initial consultation to the strategic recommendation for action, the experienced agri experts team can take on either the complete planning and implementation or some individual steps of market research studies.

Specifically, the agri experts portfolio includes: consulting, recruitment & field phase, questionnaire design, analysis & evaluation, and presentation of results.

Find out more about our other methods and services or take a look at our references.

Overall it is only agri experts that combines market research with media reach and an online farmers' panel with over 1,300 members. For more information, visit the agri experts website.

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