Der Blick von Oben auf das Geschehhen in einer Messehalle bei der Messe TSW.

TSW fair

About TSW fair

TSW is the largest trade fair for the fruit and vegetable industry in Central and Eastern Europe

The TSW trade fair offers: 

  • an ideal meeting place for fruit and vegetable producers and producers and dealers in garden machinery and equipment, means of production, chemicals, fertilisers and service providers for horticulture.
  • Conferences with the participation of Polish and foreign scientists and consultants present the latest solutions for the horticultural market.
  • Events aimed exclusively at guests and industry exhibitors.


Key data for the TSW trade fair 2024:

  • 28,000 sqm of exhibition space
  • 13,832 visitors from Poland and abroad 
  • 424 exhibitors, over 70 from abroad

Messe TSW in Zahlen

Erscheinungsgebiet:Polen - Kielce
Zielgruppe:Obst- und Gemüseproduzenten; Produzenten und Händlern von Gartenmaschinen und -geräten, Produktionsmitteln, Chemie, Düngemittel sowie Dienstleister für den Gartenbau. 
Olga Chachulska
Olga Chachulska
Key Account Manager

Tel.: +48 508 618 298

TSW on social media